Trich Gaul Art

Stir Up Unexpected Feelings

I started to paint at a very young age but got very little encouragement form my parents. Once older, my responsibilities as a parent didn't leave me enough time to paint. Now that I'm retired and no longer working I took up my passion for art again.

I love making people happy and use bright colours in my art. My mission is to make people smile, feel the happiness and enjoy the colours of the world around us. It may be a landscape with mountains, canoes or a boat, animals or birds. Whatever the subject, these images will stir up unexpected feelings and thoughts in the viewer.

My studio is my home where these acrylic paintings are created with joy I have experienced for the last four years getting back into the art world. Drawing inspiration from nature and favourite artists I have taught myself to bring images to life and present them in a way that expresses who I am as a person.